Creatives' Workshop: How to get into a creative mindset at home

By Josh Bennett


1 min read

Jul 17, 2020

Working remotely has its challenges, especially getting in the zone. Our in-house creative and general odd-ball, Josh, collated some valuable tips and tricks to help you manage your mindset.

Hey guys! Josh Bennett here from Storm & Shelter. I've been summoned by the courts to give you some tips and tricks on how to get into a creative mindset while working from home.

Your space is sacred

Get your space right. This is your space. It's where you're going to spending most of your time and trying to create stuff.

I find that my space is like an extension of my mind. Surround yourself with things that inspire you—like film posters or artwork. Stuff that, if you look at it, it gives you something. Gives you that little spark. Gives you an idea.

Make it comfy

Make yourself comfy, but not too comfy. We want you focused. I don't want you falling asleep on the sofa after reading some emails.

Get yourself a good chair. Now I had to run back to the office because I was on a wooden chair and my arse f**king hurt, so I got myself a little swivel chair and I feel much better now!

No distractions

Try as much as possible to limit distractions. Now I'm normally the distraction in the office...what can I say, I enjoy what I do!

Try and limit those distractions as much as possible. Turn your laptop on to do not disturb. Turn your phone on to do not disturb. Just allowing yourself the space to be as creatively focused as possible without being pulled out by meaningless little distractions.

Messy is okay

Now, messy is okay...ish. If, like me, your desk is normally a f**king mess, that's fine. For me, there's an order to that chaos, so I know where everything is. If I need it, it's just in front of my hand. If I need to draw something, read something, make a note...I know where it is. So don't worry if anyone judges you for how messy your desk is, just make sure it's not too messy for when you get on those Zoom calls!

Find your jam

Probably quite an obvious one—but still an important one nonetheless—is to get your vibe right. Get on Spotify; get a playlist together. Find those tunes that really help you engage and concentrate to really get you through those tough hours.

So that's it from me for now, but f**k off and be creative!

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