Nuclear Industry Association
Net Zero Needs Nuclear

Upbeat and exciting mixed-media animation to shift the public's perception of nuclear power.
Despite lots of myth-busting by the Nuclear Industry Association, in the UK (and the world) there are still lots of misconceptions about the safety and e-fission-cy of Nuclear Power. While a lot of people may be able to conjure up an image of a three-eyed fish, not that many know that alongside wind, nuclear power actually has the lowest lifecycle carbon footprint of any electricity source.
Without going too much into too much of a Geography lesson — that’s kind of a big deal. The UK has pledged to reach net-zero carbon emissions by 2050, and with the use of coal having increased from last year, that target is getting slippier than...well, a three-eyed fish.
With other low-emission sources being less reliable, nuclear power would provide a much-needed alternative to help reach our goal. The problem? People don’t trust it. That’s why the NIA asked us to help create a brand film for #NetZeroNeedsNuclear to shift people’s perceptions and get them on board.

The ultimate goal was to make the nuclear industry feel accessible. So, we needed something that was stuffed with enough information but friendly enough to not leave anyone out and most importantly worked on digital channels.
Straight out the gate, we approached a small hurdle — the script was too long. Social content needs to grab attention and be short, sweet and impactful and what we had wasn’t working. It’s always difficult to push back, but when you know in your heart it’s for the best, it’s always the right thing to do.
So, we snipped a few Ts and crossed out a few Is and sent it back alongside some rough ideas of what we were going for.
The initial feedback?
Thank you for flipping on its head, you’ve nailed it

Once we had signoff (the all nu-clear, if you will), it was time to get going. A lot of the time, for us, this starts with the music. And what screams ‘Nuclear is cool’ than some trap? We wanted the animation to be able to be just as impactful without sound, so we developed a style that could reinforce key messages with striking typographic layouts and strip out the need for a voice-over, just bangin’ tunes.
Our visual direction was very stylish, but we needed to tie it back to the Nuclear Industry Association. We used a mixed-media approach to marry the NIA brand with supplied and existing content to make it more than just words on a screen, and create an energetic but personable visual narrative tone all whilst staying on-trend.
We love projects that get everyone involved and this one was a real collaborative effort. You may even say it was a real fusion between the edit and animation teams (that's the last one, we swear).
We also love a project where the client is just as excited about the end result as we are.
Storm & Shelter clearly put a lot of effort into the project and listened to us every step of the way, which we really appreciated. We’re really happy with the end result and super excited to share it with the world!