Yamaha Guitars

Paul Stacey On His FGX5 Red Label Guitar

Product Videos, Music Content

Paul Stacey puts his skills to use and laying down some licks on a brand new Yamaha acoustic guitar.

Whenever we see the folks at Yamaha pop up on our caller ID, we know we’re in for a treat. Without fail, they’ll have a brief for us that either involves some sick new instruments, some world-famous music venue, or a member of musical royalty.

In this instance, we hit all three at once. Triple kill 🎯

Paul Stacey is a producer that’s probably most well known for his work with the Mancunian mega-band Oasis, as well as Noel Gallagher’s High Flying Birds and Black Crowes. Aside from being a prolific music producer, he’s also a very talented jazz musician in his own right.

As part of an ongoing collaboration with Yamaha Guitars, Paul was invited to film a short biographical piece, as well as putting his skills to use and laying down some licks on a brand new Yamaha acoustic guitar. The location? Only one of the most well-known Jazz Clubs in Europe: 606 Club.

As you can imagine, Paul Stacey is a busy man; there’s not much spare time when you’re either producing, playing or writing as much music as he is. We were fortunate enough to have a good few hours with him to get the film made, and so we wanted to make every minute count. Aside from shooting in the club itself, we thought it’d add a bit of contrast and realism if we spent a little time walking around the streets of Chelsea with Paul, shooting as we went. This gave us a chance to get familiar and get him warmed up to the idea of shooting.

Moving on to 606 Club, we didn’t have much time to get the place lit, dressed and ready to shoot, so we worked quickly to capture the essence of the club in a visually attractive way. After all, the main focus was Paul and his guitar, so we were happy to let some of the background fall off into shadow. The combination of Paul’s mesmerising performance, candid interview and additional cutaways made for an insightful and earnest piece of content that framed Yamaha’s product in an authentic and attractive light.

S&S Top Tip: If you’re staying in the area, we recommend visiting Big Easy restaurant. They have amazing live music and all you can eat fried shrimp. What’s not to like?



Directed by Josh Bennett

Building the RM1S

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