My week at Storm & Shelter | Karol

This week was the third and final round of our work experience partnership with the University of South Wales… at least for now.
Full of enthusiasm and proving that the third time is the charm, we were joined by Karol Rutkowski who is currently studying their MA in Film Directing. But before we bid adieu to Karol, we caught up with him on how their week has been.
Why did you want to apply for work experience with us?
I like the fact that Storm & Shelter is a relatively small but powerful team, it’s not a big production factory and there is a lot of care and thought that goes into the work you do.
I can see myself working for a similar production company in a few years, producing creative commercial work and wanted to see how it all worked and what I could learn from you.
What kind of projects do you like working on?
I love recreating true stories in dramatic fiction. Taking real-life and adding a little spice to add a bit more emotion so that the audience can feel the message more explicitly.
That’s exactly what I’m doing at the moment with my final film as part of my master’s, Surzhyk. It’s based on the actual experiences of Ukrainian refugees, which I think is a very important story to be told more now than ever.
What’s the biggest thing you learned this week?
Just how important the relationship with your client is. Having a good working dynamic and a friendly environment lets you produce better work and it’s good to get into the habit of learning how to present your ideas and a strong plan in a clear and understandable way.
Were there any particular highlights?
Everything was cool, so anything I said would be the correct answer. But generally just being here and seeing everyone work together. All of you are so different and it was very great to see that although you’re professional you all bring something unique and you’re clearly good friends as well as co-workers.
Also watching Liam’s short film United was really cool and shows just how much creative talent there is in the business at all levels.

Any lowlights?
To be honest, the only bad thing was the toilet roll. I recommend investing in some better ones*
*Disclaimer: we are not in control of the bathrooms so this is not our decision. But point taken.
Cześć for now Karol! If you’re reading this and wanted to help out with their final project, you can donate to the fundraiser here.
Are you interested in applying for work experience with us? Head over to the form on our website and we’ll see what we can do.