
Issue Tracker

Animation, Product Videos, Explainer Videos, Case Studies

Directed by Mac Nixon

We were challenged with a brief from TestLodge, to help bring clarity to software testers to assist in the process of creating, and accurately executing test cases.

With a fairly complex subject matter the main focus here was to ensure that the video was succinct but extensive, covering all the important steps that a user will likely face in TestLodge, and how to tackle these properly. With support from the client we set to work initially on ensuring the script was easily digestible. With information heavy content like this we strive to get it to a stage where people of all levels of understanding can make sense of it.

The look and feel of the graphics was super important with this one, with an aim to hit an elegant, minimalist but high tech look and feel we put time into developing something within scope that really felt elevated and stand-out when compared to other similar videos. Adapting the usual interface of web GUI and pulling key information into our modern, clean lozenges really helped them sit in our off white world and immediately got client on board with the overall vibe that they wanted to achieve.

Scott, the client, wanted to avoid any kind of branding on the graphics to keep things clean and non-descript. This approach helps the visuals stay timeless since UI is always changing. By focusing on a visual representation of the Issue Tracker, we made sure the content is future-proof, so even if the UI gets updated, it will remain relevant and long-lasting.

Creative boards

With a small scale shoot we managed to gain a very solid output. Considered lighting and a smooth VFX pipeline allowed us to focus time on the motion graphics to really elevate the strength in simplistic design that we had established. Smooth, kinetic movements with match cut moments allowing us some freedom to move around screen to keep visual interest throughout, helped us to keep viewer engagement up and ensure all points were clear and refined. This in turn gave us an opportunity to have some gesturing and interaction with the graphics which required some forethought and clever design to really knock out the park.

Proof of concept
Proof of concept

The whole pipeline with this one had to be planned thoroughly and completely considered. From script and on set direction to what graphics would be on screen and how they would animate. It was vital to test and plan this right down to every little detail. Going on set we were fully prepped, timings, action and set up were all fully thought out and readyt to go. Cueing on set and running with talent through long single takes was a real challenge that Mac and Chris handled as a solid duo on the day.

By far the best quality video for this subject on YouTube, I doubt anyone else will ever come close!

Scott Sherwood, TestLodge

Strong talent really helped us on the day and with a well cast role and strong design through to motion, we reckon this really looks the part and stands out amongst the rest of this style of presenter led, info heavy explainers, a real fun one to bring to life, and safe to say or mograph team are fully versed on how to write test cases!



Mac Nixon

Creative Director

Josh Bennett


Matt Smith


Liam Rees


Jordan Dubash


Aimee Morgan

Sound Recordist

Sam Turner


Lewis Jelley

VFX Supervisor

Chris Varaies

Graphic Designer

Izzy Young

Motion Designer

Chris Varaies

Sound Mix

Nick Patterson

Lighting & Studio Hire

Firebug Lighting



Directed by Matthew Sterling

Make the Cut

Pimlico Plumbers

Directed by Josh Bennett

Problem Solved

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