"I've got no idea what this project is..."

By Gruff Vaughan

Behind The Scenes

1 min read

Sept 28, 2022

We’re no strangers to the Sopro family here at Storm & Shelter.

Having worked with their sibling Outbase before, when the lovely folks at Sopro asked if we’d be interested in creating a whole suite of adverts for their first-ever TV campaign, we were super keen to get cracking.

Look, there is nothing wrong with an explainer video. Hell, we do a lot of ‘em. But Sopro wanted to not only drive traffic and increase awareness about them as a brand, but they also wanted to resonate and connect with their potential audience — the best way to do that is humour.

An early animatic

The aim was to give them a suite of content that would help them stand above the others and hook audiences in with a cheeky nod and a laugh. So we kept things simple and drilled down into the core of Sopro’s benefits: greater sales success, less stress, easier processes and more clients!

Translate those benefits into four scenarios and you get these four concepts:

  • Sopro brings you clients (even if you don’t like them)
  • Sopro makes you and your company look so good that you’ll want to keep it a secret
  • Sopro alleviates stress from your sales team
  • Sopro can basically magic clients out of thin air for you.

We wanted the videos to feel real, but just a little off-centre. Realistic tones and lighting, with a light sheen and polish to hit home that the world you could have with Sopro is just that little bit better, that little bit brighter, that little bit easier.

It’s always refreshing to work with a team with a distinct personality, it makes writing an incredibly fun process, and we’re so pleased with how much that personality and tone shine through in the ads. Plus, they’re pretty funny if we say so ourselves.

The whole process has been a delight and it's so great to see these ads out in the wild. We've also shared them with the wider team and they're going down really well — people love them!

Rich Tipple, Video & Digital Production Lead, Sopro

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